Answered on: April 7, 2022

Updated on: April 8, 2022




Need help?


please, I've tried booking a car for tomorrow at bristol train station pick up but payment didn't work?


There can be 2 reasons for this typically... your bank/card company need you to authorise the transaction via a banking app or the banking website


hmm...can you call me to try and push it through?


If you received an error message... then your bank/card would probably have sent you an SMS


can you call me?


Nothing can be done on the phone. Shut down all browsers and try again.. make sure you don't need to authorise via your banking app


I just looked at what you did.. you did receive an error message...


So follow this advice please:- You may encounter a message after you have entered your credit card details and pressed BOOK NOW, ¨ technical error ¨ This can mean that the card you have used has not been validated/accepted. But often it can occur if you have been a long time in the booking process or have opened multiple browsers. Shut down all open browsers and clear the cache/history ( if you know how) and start again, preferably using a different browser. If after you have tried this is still does not work, try another card. Another possibility is your bank requires you to authorize the transaction via your banking APP or Bank website. As the transaction is not one, you normally make.