Answered on: October 30, 2019


I was looking to rent a car from Manchester airport from November 19th till 26th, I am 21 years of age with 4+ years driving experience and 3+ years with a valid license.


OK, I can see you did a search and saw available cars. Look information about age restrictions up here:-


The driver must have held a full driving licence for at least one year. At STEP2, click on the link "IMPORTANT INFORMATION' displayed to the right of the car photo of your choice. This will open another smaller window and if you click on "DRIVER" you will see what age restrictions there may be and any associated fees. Try a few different car models / suppliers, as they do differ.


Most do allow, but look out if there is any supplier without a young driver fee.


Got it, so as long as there is a "young driver fee" it means I can rent at the age I inputted. Is there no way to input my age and see rsults accordingly?


Yes, correct. If a young driver fee is mentioned from 21 till for example 25, you are all ok. No sorry, there is no "age" filter.


Green Motion allow 21 year old (a fee will be applied), they say this:-


Drivers Age 25 to 80 Years Young Drivers Age: 21 to 24 Years Charge 50 GBP per Day Includes 20% Tax Customers who fall outside the age limitations will not be able to rent a car unless there is a young or senior driver fee specified in this section. Please note that, if applicable, this fee will be included in the rental price and will be payable on arrival at the rental desk in the local currency.


Does it apply automatically on your website or do I have to pay that in person?


Sixt is cheaper:- Young Drivers Age: 21 to 24 Years Charge 36 GBP per Day Includes 20% Tax. You will have to pay on arrival. It is not included in the price shown on the website.